23 Oct 2011

Happy Sunday Everyone!

I hope all you have had a nice and relaxing weekend. I spent some much needed time with dear friends and family and now I’m gearing up for yet another week of classes. This week, we’ve got two big events happening!

First off, the season finale of Casual will be released tomorrow. I’m disappointed to see the show end and am surprised at how invested I have become in these characters when I still don’t even know their names. It is one of the best web series I’ve ever seen and if you’ve got a little time, you could finish the entire three seasons in just a few hours. Check out my review here and begin watching here.

Secondly, Seattle University will be welcoming cast members Ben Nemtin and Jonnie Penn of MTV’s The Buried Life onto our campus this Thursday. Preparing myself for silly shenanigans begins…now.

One last thing: my head nearly exploded when I woke up to this complete lineup today.

Posted on October 23, in -