21 Nov 2011

21 Things To Be Thankful For This Year

I’m definitely a holiday person. Even though I don’t show it, nothing makes me happier than spending more time with my family and friends so with that, here are the 21 things I am thankful for this year.

  1. My family for having the tolerance and patience to keep up with me
  2. My best friends who will listen to my one-minute rants wherever and whenever I feel like having one and making the distance we are from each other seem so much closer.
  3. Being 21.
  4. Being a senior and in my last year of college wowweewow!
  5. My co-workers – the monsters, the back office and Taylor.
  6. Community
  7. Yogurtland on Capitol Hill
  8. My television and my favorite late night television shows – but really just Jimmy Fallon.
  9. Endless possibilities and the entire world in front of me right now
  10. My education and everything I have learned both in and out of the classroom
  11. Utilizing the meal plan
  12. That I’m growing up and that, for me, is really exciting
  13. For this blog and all of the followers and readers that let me know that I am writing to someone.
  14. For dinner parties and sharing meals with my friends
  15. Spotify and not Turntable
  16. That I get to enjoy the benefits that I’ve worked so hard for
  17. Boo. That adorable little pup.
  18. My favorite blogs Ohnotheydidnt, Doobybrain, BuzzFeed, The Frisky, Flavorwire, Refinery 29 and many more blogs that I read on a daily basis that keep me entertained and provide me with material and inspiration
  19. Food on Capitol Hill that is always a hop and a skip away
  20. A walk in closet at age 20.
  21. Great company. I’m surrounded by incredible people every day who continue to amaze me with their knowledge, talent, and passion for everything in life.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Posted on November 21, in -