21 Jan 2012

Steamy Revenge Spread for Entertainment Weekly

Before a new television season begins, I read the reviews, do my research, and start planning out my tentative lineup. Initially, the schedule has me booked for Mon-Thurs between the hours of 8PM-11PM. Prime homework time! As time goes on, the shows start dropping like flies. It’s not because I realize my priorities, but it’s because the shows don’t catch my attention long enough that they need to continue to be on the schedule.

One show that has stuck around is Revenge. In fact, it’s probably the one show that I refuse to miss every week and the funny thing about that is that it makes no difference at all if I am forced to watch it the next day. Regardless, 10PM rolls around; the books are closed and posts for the blog are put on hold because Emily Thorne is about to initiate another take down!

If you haven’t caught onto the show yet, I strongly suggest that you start. Since it’s only the first season, you can easily catch up.
