01 Mar 2012

Work With Me, Mentee

Hello readers!

If any of you have been wondering why I haven’t been as present on the blog this week, it is because I have been slaving away on one of my final projects for the quarter. This end of the quarter type project w/ a paper is one of the last projects I will ever have to create and present in college. It’s all very emotional. I recognized that this opportunity to create something that was 100% me was rare and knowing that, I wanted to put forth my hard work to design something that I could be proud of. From here on out, it’s all group projects and in those instances it becomes a little bit difficult to make sure that everyone has their spin on things.

The prompt had me research what management students could do with a management degree and asked me to propose a new idea that would get management students to become more excited in researching their possibilities.

The layout of my board and chalk writing was inspired by the lovely and talented Bri Emery – founder of Design Love Fest I also tweeted a picture this morning of my posterboard to Bri…

This basically made my day. Click the cut for more images of my poster board!


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