26 Dec 2012

Nomz: Avocado Salad


Avocado has always been one of my favorite ingredients. I tell all my friends that I refer to it as the glitter on top of sandwiches, but we can’t just limit it to that. It’s the foundation for guacamole – the support for any salad – and a great source for vitamins, fiber, potassium, etc. It’s the kind of fat you actually want to be eating.

Ever since I became a member of Pinterest, I’ve been stocking up on ALL recipes including avocado. So the other day when I was at the grocery store, I picked up three of them with the intent to make something truly spectacular. I didn’t exactly have all of the ingredients I needed to make one type of avocado salad so genius little me decided to mix three different recipes to see what I could conjure up.

The result?

  • One avocado
  • 7 cherry tomatoes cut in half
  • As much corn as I wanted to use
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Half a lemon squeezed
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

Turns out, you can just “guess” on the dressing so don’t follow my advice above and follow one of these real recipes instead. I’d like to note that my made-up recipe wasn’t bad or anything, but sometimes you are better off following instructions. However, with salads, you can’t go wrong – it can go either way which is…bad or good. So…