21 Apr 2013

Thought Catalog Roundup

I’ve been doing Thought Catalog roundups since last year, but I’m not sure if I’ve ever really prefaced these posts with any of my own words. Some people have read these posts and ask me, “Is this what you’re feeling right now?” “Can you relate to these posts in some way?” “Are you trying to say some kind of hidden message with the posts you pick?” And I’ve never described my process with how I choose these posts so let me just clear things up. No, I am not going through all of these things that I post about. I love Thought Catalog and I love its relevancy towards 20-somethings. I don’t post up every post that happens throughout the week – only my favorites. I choose them because maybe in some ways I can relate or maybe I think it’s funny or applicable to people that would find some benefit in these posts, but most of the time I select certain posts because in my opinion, I think it’s good writing. There is no motive for me to post certain Thought Catalog posts so don’t you worry. You can, however, assume that  each post made me feel something a little bit extra when reading it.