02 Dec 2013

Joe Jonas: My Life As a Jonas Brother

A piece written by Joe Jonas was released last night and will appear in the December 13th issue of New York Magazine. In this, Joe describes the pressures of growing up in front of the spotlight, being a Disney kid, losing his virginity (yeah- see ya Promise ring) and smoking for the first time with Miley and Demi. To someone that was probably not interested in the Disney childhood stars, you might have a different opinion about the article, but I actually found it quite interesting. It doesn’t sound like it was contrived from his people. It sounds like it was a written by a 24-year old and the details that he has shared are not just things that you would expect any Disney star to admit. While I’m bummed that the Jonas Brothers broke up, I realize that it’s not feasible for them to be performing together as a family forever. After all, they’re going to have their own families to tend to someday. If Hanson couldn’t do it then they shouldn’t be held to that same standard either.

If you’re looking for a good (but lengthy) Monday morning read, here ya go!