03 Dec 2013

The Real World Trailer (Season 29)


Every season, I generally get pretty excited about The Real World. I’m not sure why because the same scenarios happen every single time, but I had heard a rumor that the castmates were actually living in San Francisco this season. Naturally, I wanted a sighting – don’t worry – it hasn’t happened yet or anything. Then I learned that on this season, the tables would be turned. The season would start out with seven singles living in a house in San Francisco, but after a mini-trip, they return to find that every one of their exes has moved into the house.

MTV, now you’re just REALLY creating the drama yourself. Not only is it weird, but it’s crowded. I have to remember 14 more stories about each person and lord knows I don’t have time for that. I’m no longer excited about the season because I know it’s going to be a hot mess, but I don’t have enough self-control to not watch at all.

Life is hard, you guys.