21 May 2014

Facebook Puts A Relationship Target On Everyone’s Back

I was doing my Facebook thing the other day when I noticed on my friend’s profile that there was a little button next to his relationship status that said “Ask.” Now, I thought I knew the status of his relationship, but this button caused me to second guess that. I also was so curious about what would happen if I pressed it. Did they receive a notification? Probably. What did the notification say? I don’t really know. I toggled my cursor over it for a couple seconds before I decided against it. If I had done it, I would have to text this friend to let him know and explain it to him and that seemed like too much overhead to me.

So naturally, I waited for someone else to do it first and blog about it. Sure enough, Refinery29 had my back!

This comes up only for those people listed as single or who haven’t disclosed a status. When an inquiring mind wants to know more, he or she simply clicks the button and has the option to send a customized message to friends regarding their romantic life. They’ll receive a notification that someone’s asked about their relationship status, and they can choose to respond with an answer, update their profile, or simply ignore the request altogether. It seems there’s no way to nix this new add-on. 

The whole idea seems a little bit invasive to me. If someone I hadn’t talked to in a long time asked me with that button, I would feel pretty weirded out. And if a close friend did, I wonder why they just didn’t ask me in person! I don’t see a happy medium with this new feature, but I do find it quite amusing.
