01 Jun 2014

Dress Your Tech By DesignLoveFest

When Yow Yow! was first created, we had a completely different layout. I changed the header every month representative of how I was feeling, but mostly because I wanted to see how Yow Yow! would look if constantly changed. With every new month and every new header, I would write a post introducing these things and describing what I was most looking forward to (sort of like how I did earlier today!)

Though we’ve stopped doing that on Yow Yow! I still try to keep up with changing my wall papers on my work laptop every once in awhile and I do it for that same reason. It’s nice to look forward to change and when there is change present, we act a little bit differently than we normally would. It throws off our routine in a good way. That’s why I am a huge fan of Dress Your Tech by DesignLoveFest. Every so often, blogger Bri Emery shares with her readers new desktop wallpapers that are highlighted on her website for you to snag yourself. The one pictured above is my current because of its simplicity and because it’s too perfect for summer. As fall approaches, I’m hoping that Bri will have other inspirations to share with us!

Check out the rest of the wallpapers from this series here.