22 Mar 2015

30-Day Minimalism Challenge

For the past few months, I’ve been feeling a little bit unhinged with my days and weekends being less and less structured. I’ve been enjoying it because it allows me to plan less – something that I have a hard time doing – and giving myself time when I need it for extra time hanging out with friends on the fly or taking a few extra hours to sleep in. After doing this for so long, I think I’m ready to have more of a balanced set schedule again or at least disciplining myself. This extra time has enabled me to spend more time on Yow Yow! but that means that I’m much more connected to my laptop than I need to be and I think more time offline would probably be good for me. I came across this 30 day minimalism challenge which seems perfect. It’s simple and not too demanding, but sticking to it for 30 days could really improve how I’m doing things in my life. I’m not at a point where I feel like I can accept doing it just yet especially since I run this blog and work in tech, but I thought I would share it in case anyone else wanted to test themselves. You have 10 days to decide if you want to jump on it or not! For full rules and details, click here.