All posts in: Anchorman

08 Dec 2013

One Direction Concert Line- SNL


It’s amazing that I was able to stay up for Paul Rudd hosting Saturday Night Live this past weekend, but I knew that with him on the show there were definitely going to be a few surprises. And I was right! Hello cast of Anchorman singing “Afternoon Delight” alongside One Direction. It was a pretty great episode and I found myself enjoying this skit above the most. Second most favorite part of the episode? One Direction performing “Story of My Life.” I finally get the appeal behind One Direction and Harry Styles. *Small swoon.


23 Oct 2013

Ben & Jerry’s “Anchorman” Flavor

To promote the return of Anchorman, the creators behind Ben & Jerry’s have launched a new flavor called “Scotchy Scotch Scotch” to pay homage to character favorite Ron Burgundy.

The sweet treat features a decadent butterscotch ice cream flavor with a ribbon of gooey butterscotch, and a name that hails from a famous scene in the movie where Ron Burgundy downs a glass of scotch right before he goes on air.

The Anchorman sequel will hit theaters December 20th, but you won’t have to wait for the film to be released to try the new flavor. “Scotchy Scotch Scotch” will hit stores in just a few weeks.


22 Oct 2012

On My Newsfeed…

Every now and then, I stumble across something on my newsfeed that is just too good to not share. When the debates come ’round, you can always expect the lolz.

“I love Big Bird. I love drones. I love teachers. I love lamp.”

– Grant H.