All posts in: Education

29 Aug 2020

Blog Roundup

  • Meghan Markle Was Set Up To Fail [The Cut]
  • Instagram Reels Can’t Beat TikTok. Here Are 8 Reasons Why [Medium]
  • What Will Being An Influencer Mean in 2021 And Beyond? [Nylon]
  • Wirecutter’s Worst Things For Most People [NY Times]
  • Un-Adopted – YouTubers Myka and James Stauffer Share Every Step of Their Parenting Journey. Except the Last. [The Cut]
  • 23 TV Moments That Were So Bad, People Had To Stop Watching [BuzzFeed]
  • Who Gets To Be ‘Hapa?’ [NPR]
  • Tracking Coronavirus Cases At U.S. Colleges and Universities [NY Times]
  • Now Is a Great Time to Go Back to an Old iPod [GQ]
  • How to Vote By Mail During the 2020 Election [Vogue]
19 Aug 2020

A Course on K-Dramas

Due to the rise in popularity for K-dramas, the University of the Philippines has created a new course for students this year. Now offered as an elective , 25 students per quarter can enroll in a course dedicated to analyzing popular K-dramas. Even though 25 will be selected, 200 students have enlisted in the course. Among the series that will be featured? Crash Landing on You of course! Since the pandemic is still going, the course will remain virtual and offered by Zoom and Google Meet. In case you’re wondering what a course looks like officially titled, you will find it under “Special Topics: Analysis of K-drama Series.”


03 Apr 2015

Stanford Unveils A New Kind of Financial Aid

Stanford University recently announced a revision to their current financial aid plan. Beginning with the class of 2019, any student whose parents are making under $125,000 a year will now receive a full ride to the university. That is…Amazing. When I read this news, I remember feeling overwhelmed and happy knowing that so many talented students will have this opportunity to attend such a great university without this huge burden on their shoulders.

I still remember when I was applying to schools and even hesitating to apply some universities because I didnt want to be trapped under a lifetime of debt regardless of whether or not I could get in. I didn’t even want to try. Seeing the price of tuition just made me want to give up. This new change for Stanford students is going to make an incredible difference and I hope other universities across the country will join in and start making revisions to their own financial aid programs as well to accomodate the increasing costs of tuition just about everywhere.

Also just for reference, one year at Stanford for an undergraduate costs $65,000. If you times that by 4, you get $260,000 for an entire undergraduate career.


18 Oct 2012

The Science of Blushing


Educational morning here at Yow Yow!
