All posts in: Friday Night Lights

13 Oct 2012

Politics & Pop Culture

President Obama | 1

Mitt Romney | 0

Mitt Romney has adopted a slogan from the hit television series “Friday Night Lights” for his campaigning, but the show’s creator is less than thrilled about it even accusing Romney of plagiarism. Well, yeah.

The slogan reads: “Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Can’t Lose.”

Not only his show creator, Peter Berg, kind of livid about it, but he actually took matters into his own hands by writing a letter to Romney and he didn’t hold back.

Check out the full letter here.


20 Dec 2011

Remembering Television in 2011…

As some of you may have noticed, there wasn’t so much postage going on this past weekend. The reason for that is because I was recovering, but I also came across a post on Ohnotheydidnt about the television shows that ended this year. One of them – near and dear to my heart – was Greek. After reading that post, the only sensible thing to do was watch an entire marathon of the show starting from episode one throughout the whole weekend. So I didn’t write anything for Yow Yow, but I became reacquainted with a show I once loved and can still relive through NetFlix – thank goodness. It was a weekend well spent.

And now, here’s your second end of the year recap post of shows that I will personally miss.

Greek: July 9, 2007 – March 7, 2011

I was deprived as a college student from the Greek system and the only way for me to feel like I was not missing out on anything was to live vicariously through Casey Cartwright. This show is extremely special to me for reasons I can’t explain. These kids barely did any school work and their entire lives revolved around the Greek system social calendar. Naturally, I was envious. The show has taught me a lot about love and friendship and karmic synergy, but they all couldn’t stay in college forever. At some point, every one of them needed to graduate and it was at that point that I had to let them.

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