All posts in: Guatemala

08 Apr 2012

{Guest Post} By Kristina Nicchi

I’ve always been known for my larger-than-life laugh. It’s to the point that it’s even been officially titled. Twice, actually. While most people find “The Kristina Cackle” ridiculous and (if visibly with me) slightly embarrassing, I find it to be rather telling of my life… Or maybe, more correctly, my outlook on life.

When people ask how my experience in Guatemala has been, there are two predominant conversation paths I can travel down. I could begin by listing off the absurd amount of health cases that I’ve been dealt (thigh-encompassing allergic reactions to ant bites, sun-blistered lips, parasites, bed bugs, lice, and yes, even fleas). But where’s the fun in that? I laugh most of those off anyway. Rather, I choose to begin by listing off the reasons I love this place. Why, you ask? The latter is a much longer list AND puts a bigger smile on my face.

Take munchkin Tony for instance. He is a five-year-old who doesn’t have a terribly large vocabulary due to a developmental delay. Regardless, not only has he won over my heart, he’s won over the heart of all my family that has come to visit. Tony has the two most adorably crooked front teeth I have EVER seen. He can’t help but flash them as he runs up to me shouting his version of my name: “Tee-naa! Tee-naa!” Because of his endless energy, I’m never bored when with him. We do anything from make paper airplanes, to rummage through the sandbox for hidden trucks, to play the “Tony Scares Kristina” game, to receive endless kisses from him while together. Tony is the FIRST kid I would stow in my luggage.

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