All posts in: Hip Hop

02 Aug 2009

Marcus D Wins The Red Bull Big Tune

Over the weekend, my friend Marcus Marino, also known as Marcus D took first place in the Red Bull Big Tune competing for the best hip hop beat held at the War Room.

“Marcus D is 19, and the first beat he played last night was positively monstrous. Any great rapper would love to have rapped on it. Any mediocre rapper would have been dead scared. I could tell right away he would win.” – Andrew Matson [Seattle Times]

Marcus D and second place winner, KD Cutz will travel to Atlanta to compete in the finals.

To listen to Marcus D’s beats, click here

Congratulations Marcus! Make us Seattelites proud in Atlanta!

22 Jul 2009

Nintendo Is Just Like Hip Hop


Believe it or not, when I was little, I was a video game FIEND. I grew up in a culdesac of boys so aside from my Polly Pockets, I was playing almost every Nintendo game imaginable until we upgraded to the N64, PS2, DS, etc etc. We had it all. I don’t have any of the consoles anymore. I wish I had kept them though as some of the consoles have become collector’s items. I looked at purchasing a couple of consoles, but they are hard to get hold of! I scoured the internet but all of the ones that I managed to find cost more than the original consoles cost to buy when they were first released! Luckily you can Download on and other similar sites, all of the old games that we used to play and you can even play it on a console emulator so it feels like playing the games just I did in my childhood. The only problem is, is that they are just as addictive as I remember, there’s nothing quite like blocking out the world for a few hours and just playing video games like I’m ten years old again with no real responsibilities in the world.

So whoever created this is a genius?

And if you wanna download it just click here