All posts in: Ivory

11 Apr 2010

Fairline Review 4/9

(taken from the Crackberry)

It was such a treat to be able to finally catch Fairline perform after missing two of their previous shows. I went into Q Cafe w/ no expectations. I had heard that lead singer Nathaniel used to be a part of Ivory – but other than listening to their demos, I knew nothing.

Wanita and I almost missed their set because we kept missing the turn for the cafe and drove over the bridge in Ballard nearly five times! The cafe was crowded and there definitely wasn’t anywhere to sit except for two chairs right in front  of the stage that were open, which we snagged of course.

So let me tell you about Fairline:

I felt so confined to my seat during the entire set. The band invited everyone in the audience to get up and dance, but that just was not going to happen in that setting and atmosphere that we were in. That was all I wanted to do and had it been any other place, I probably would have. The band has only been around since January or so. Typically with new bands, it is obvious that they are new. With Fairline, there were no blunders – no mess ups – they looked like they were pros and that they had been doing this for a very long time. Honestly, they did incredible things with their music that I had never even seen before. Every song made me creep closer and closer to the edge of my seat.

Also, I have such a soft spot for bands that dress the part. I think it’s great when bands show that they have some kind of character and personality as opposed to just a band t-shirt and jeans. The guys of Fairline looked like they walked straight off the runway of a Band of Outsiders showing.

At the end of the show, Wanita and I were recapping and reflecting on our thoughts when she turned to me and said, “They have the kind of package that a band normally wouldn’t have established until later in their career.” That, to us, is quite impressive.

I am so excited about Fairline and what is to come and I cannot wait to work with them because they seem like genuinely nice guys. It has been a long time since I have seen a new band in Seattle rise with this kind of momentum behind them and with this much potential.

They will be playing at the Hard Rock Cafe on May 14th.

09 Mar 2010

Song of the Day – Fairline Preview

Once upon a time, there was a band called Ivory. They were godly musicians that I adored. They have since disbanded. They remained off the radar for some time, but now one member is back and he has formed Fairline. Today, there are the song of the day because their new song “Run to the Sea” has been on repeat since I have been in my room. There are not that many songs in the world that have this kind of power over me. They have also relocated to Seattle from Chicago, which is good news for us because now we get to be in the presence of this amazing new band. They played a show with my friends The Scene Aesthetic this past Friday at the Kirkland Teen Union Building, which I heard was a successful turnout. You can also catch them again at El Corazon this Sunday at 7 PM for tickets at $10.


Fairline believes in the concept of “Free is Fair.” This means that every day for the next six days, they will be releasing a new song free to download, but if you wish to pay for it YOU get to name your price.

Dear Fairline – I hope you are the answer that we have been searching for to bring us back the Seattle music scene. I see the potential in you and I see the hope that can revive what we have once lost.

To hear their music visit their Myspace here!

PS Nathanial is a dreamboat.