All posts in: New Year

02 Jan 2012

New Year’s Resolutions

pic cred | Flavorwire

In all this craziness with celebrating the holiday and Scott Disick, I completely forgot to write up my resolutions for the New Year. This year, I’ve got a couple and if I write it down somewhere, I’m more likely to remember it whereas in the past just tucking it snugly in the back of my head means that it usually ends up forgotten.

So with that:

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28 Dec 2010

Relationship Resolutions

With 2011 right around the corner, people are pondering what their New Year’s resolution will be. Will they be able to keep it for the whole year? Will they even remember what resolution they made by June? This year, I have officially given up on resolutions because I simply forget about it. I am someone that makes goals along the way and since that has always worked for me, I’m going to stick with it.

The three most frequent resolutions that I hear from my friends are always

a) Health/Eating well/Working out

b) Ambition/ Doing well in school / Career-oriented

c) Relationships

Relationship resolutions involve swearing off hookups, dating more, putting themselves “out there” – whatever that means, or just having fun. This morning, I found several articles revolving around relationships in the new year so I thought that it would be a great idea to make a roundup of them instead of making separate posts. Don’t worry, these posts are for both  genders!