All posts in: Stanford

04 May 2015

The Weekend: 5 Things


So remember how two days ago I said that I would just do a montly roundup of photos? Well, I’ve got this thing about inconsistency… Actually, I found some extra time to do one of these posts this weekend so I thought I’d just do while it was still relevant and fresh as opposed to waiting till the end of the month. Let’s just say this will vary on a case-by-case basis and call it good.

This past weekend was Caturday at Dolores Park and a few of my co-workers were going so I thought I would just tag along! I wish I loved cats…but let’s just be real here – I’m much more partial to babies and kids than household pets. I figured that if I was going to attend this thing though, I was going to get really into it and the only way to do that was to have someone let me “Simba” their cat. Mission accomplished. Have you ever seen me look this happy?!

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06 Oct 2013

The Bay Area: 5 Instagrams

I used to have 5 Instagrams for you all every weekend, but  for some reason my usage has dwindled a little bit! First off – wanted to let you all know that I am alive and kicking down here in the Bay. Every weekend, I am embarking on a new adventure with my friends Mandi, Eric, and Ryan and the funny thing is – I’m checking off something from my bucket list every time. I could have easily done all of these things while living in Seattle, but the fact that I am doing it here instead is much more exciting. I think it may have been because I was so comfortable in Seattle that when these events were happening, I didn’t have much of an interest to try something new. When I moved down here, my BFF Ashley advised me to just “say ‘yes’ to everything” and so far it has been the best advice I’ve gotten. It’s only been three weeks, but it feels like I’ve been here much longer. That must be a pretty good sign, right?

Mandi works for the Alzheimer’s Association so during my first weekend here I joined her for the walk up in San Francisco. The rain was unforgiving (even worse than in Seattle!) but I was proud of us for completing the three miles  in a downpour!

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