02 Jul 2009

14-year-old author

When I was a young girl, I would write for hours and hours about anything and everything. Poems, short stories, long stories, about my life etc thinking that someday people would magically stumble upon my work and want to publish my story similar to the plot of “The School Story,” in which … that actually does happen to a young girl. Every time I write a blog post it’s like whatever. There are spelling errors everywhere, stuff doesn’t make sense and my thoughts aren’t complete but that’s my blogging for ya.

I just read some news that a 14-year-old girl named Laura Simula recently had her book published entitled, “A Broken Yesterday.” She’s 14!

Synopsis: “The book is a 130-page mystery that tells the story of Carrie Foster, a girl struggling with her older sister’s death from bone cancer and, in the process of grieving, uncovers a big family secret.”

There’s no denying this girl’s intelligence for a second. She even got this book published on her own and the big secret didn’t come out until her parents received a letter from the publishing company to sign the deal!

As if there weren’t already enough on her plate, she plans on donating 10% of the proceeds made from her book to St. Judes Children’s Research Hospital. The second novel is already in the works and she plans on going to college and studying architecture and engineering.

Feel worthless yet? I do.

Source: The Frisky

Posted on July 2, in -