17 Dec 2009

Loud Commercials Not Wanted

Occasionally when I’m watching television, the program will cut to commerical. [Normal] Sometimes the commercial that follows the program appears to be 100 decibels louder than the actual program [Exaggeration] [Not Normal]

I used to just see this as an annoyance, but commercials don’t last that long either. Turns out, a lot of people have a huge problem with the volume of a commercial being louder than the actual volume of a program. Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed the CALM act (har har) which stands for Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation. [I looked up this word – turns out it means the same as offensive. People just like to make things more difficult apparently]

Under this act, advertisers must make sure their commercials’ volume is lower than the actual program. The measure will be implemented within two years.

Posted on December 17, in -