28 Apr 2010

AOL Mystery Flyer

I love airports. I don’t enjoy the build up that leads to flying… taking off or even landing. Those make me anxious. I’ve decided though that I am intrigued by the energy that surrounds airports. Everyone there has a story to tell. I’ve met some pretty interesting people through my flights… a boy one year younger than me when I was 13 who lived nearby and would later end up attending a rival high school of mine. An elderly couple that made sure I was okay after the two kids in front of me threw up their Happy Meals mid-flight. I now wish I would’ve kept a journal of all these people that I’ve encountered along the way.

For the most part, I’ve been lucky to be in the presence of nice passengers. There are some people that are not so lucky though.  Flying makes people uneasy – it’s kind of a known fact. When people are uneasy, they become demanding. AOL Mystery Flyer documents the travels of one person (it’s a mystery I don’t know the gender!) flying on ten different flights over the next few weeks on major airline. He will then be judging each airline with a report card based on six areas regarding customer service. These demands are the typical demands any normal passenger would ask, but more heightened ranging from switching seats before a flight, and asking for certain things while on a flight.

To read about the travels of the AOL Mystery Flyer click here

The first report card is for Jet Blue. I really like them and they rank second for me behind Virgin America.

Posted on April 28, in -