30 Aug 2010

Guys: Girls do not appreciate your creepin’

If a girl is walking by herself at a somewhat fast pace, that means she has business to attend to. She’s on her way somewhere. In no way is she inviting someone to divert her from this – especially a stranger. If said girl is walking in one direction and you are about to pass her while walking oppositely and your eyes do not meet hers, feel free to not say anything at all.

If you decide to boldly throw out a “How you doin'” at this girl and receive no response – you better just leave it at that because you’ve already embarrassed yourself. It is then even more inappropriate for you to ask “What school do you go to?” Not only did you not get the hint the first time, you are over stepping the personal question boundaries also. You want to know what school I go to before even knowing my name first?

Creepiness – Just DON’T!

Posted on August 30, in -