29 Sep 2011

Yow Yow! Down the Line

The other day my friend Ashlea texted me to ask if I had an app for Yow Yow.

I stared at the screen to my crackberry for a few seconds. An app? Like…an iPhone app? Or an app that allows Yow Yow to be more visible on smart phones?

To be honest, I didn’t know what that meant. I think I was just confused by the question and didn’t know how to go about answering it. Then I did what most people do. I did that thing where you constantly wonder about whatever is on your mind (clearly that) right before you go to bed and then by some chance it makes it into your dream. Boom. Science. Just kidding, not science? Anyways, I pictured Yow Yow a few years from now. Where can we go from here? How do we move up? In January, the site will be three years old and in the three years that it has existed, not much has changed except for the layout or the headers. Many blogs that I read have active users that comment constantly – it’s constant enough that the blogs have discussions or forums. There is more than just one page to a blog than the “About” page. Giveaways occur weekly. Collaborations are frequent between the writer and businesses or brands. Yow Yow could have these things, but that is not what I want for the blog at this time.

If I were a professional blogger, then I would do all of those things. I would focus on shaping the blog to be much more interactive than it is today. But I’m not a blogger. I’m a student that will be graduating after this school year and as much as I love…THIS right here, I still have plenty of dreams that I would like to achieve, but blogging isn’t at the top of that list. After Ashlea’s question, I started to consider if I could do this for a living. There are plenty of bloggers that earn a living from their blog, but for me to reach that level would take a bit of time. Today, some bloggers are even represented by agencies – which I find to be bizarre, but what can you do? When money gets involved, you almost feel like your creative expression is limited. You know that the people you are working with are reading closely and critiquing. I would never want that for Yow Yownbecause having the ability to write what I want to write is comforting to me. I would, however, write for another blog for pay because at least that is not something that I started up myself.

Incorporating Yow Yow into my college career has been a memorable experience for me and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m not sure where Yow Yow will be at the end of June, but I hope to keep all of you posted along the way as I complete my senior year and prepare for a life I’ve always envisioned for myself after college. Thanks for hanging on and continuing to read posts that I write whether they are informative, inspiring or completely pointless. I don’t know how you always put up with my misspellings, but thanks for not being a snob and correcting me.

Posted on September 29, in -