09 Nov 2011

Recap of Tonight’s Real World Episode

The past two hours I spent catching up on last week’s and this week’s Real World episodes were two hours well spent!

I am not ashamed to say that I absolutely love this show and have since I was a little kidlet. We all have our guilty pleasures, alright? Some blogs like to recap every moment of an episode minute by minute, but there are only a few key moments that are worth mentioning tonight.

There’s a cut so as to not offend my parentals. Sorry!

First off, Frank questions why Zach “isn’t taking Ashley to pound town.” That is the worst visual EVER, but not as bad as Frank referring to himself as a Catholic school girl.

When Zach goes to confront Sam about having a big mouth he threatens Sam first by saying that she’s nothing and then follows it up with a “What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? Eat a pizza?!”

We are also introduced to Priscilla’s on and off ex-boyfriend of five years, Dylan. The best part is that we see Dylan rolling up on a motorbike type of a vehicle and Priscilla opening the door right before the commercial break, but right after the commercial break the man behind the door is a gangly ginger nerd! Our little Priscilla loves the nerds – and so does Yow Yow! Go figure. Did I mention that Dylan looks like one of the Weasley twins out of Harry Potter? No joke. Turns out Priscilla is actually the one that is completely hung up on him and he’s the heart breaker in the situation.

Also – I’d like to note that the guys of the Real World did not invent sting pong. The Brendan Leonard Show totally did it first.

Posted on November 9, in -