Year: 2011

28 Dec 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Yow Yow!

I’ve always celebrated Yow Yow’s birthday on January 1st, but I just realized today that the date of my first post was actually December 22nd. The birth of Yow Yow has been a lie all along. To celebrate the birthday, I decided to shop around for a new layout. While I would have loved one that was custom made, I figured this one would work just fine.

This is a nice change from the last one especially because I love the minimalist theme and everything just seems less cluttered now.

Anyways, I can’t believe it’s been three years! Thanks for sticking around and thanks for caring! In the next year, I plan on actually executing more interviews and am already starting to work on one for a local band that I adore. There will be more space girl posts, guest posts, and hopefully some more videos!

If you’ve got any feedback for things you would like to see in the future for Yow Yow! feel free to shoot me a comment or an email.

28 Dec 2011


pic cred: ltd365

-Two important questions: Are you living in LA? Do you eat, breathe, and sleep for design? Bri Emery, the founder of one of my favorite websites, Design Love Fest, is looking for an intern! The gig sounds awesome plus you get to learn some of the best tips from Bri herself and she’s a genius basically. [Source]

– On another note, Win-A-Trip 2012 is now happening and accepting entries! If you’re a university student and are interested in traveling of some sort, Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times is selecting one student to come along for the ride. The trip will be from 10 days to two weeks and the student selected should be able to communicate and document their travels via v-log or blog. The details are too lengthy for me to regurgitate here so if you’re interested, click here! The deadline is January 22nd, 2012.

28 Dec 2011

Your 2012 New Year’s Resolution: Blogging

While we’re on the topic of New Year’s resolutions, I thought I would continue on with the pattern by suggesting one. Blogging. If you’ve had that thought in the back of your mind or have some slight interest in creating a blog, now is the time to do it. I am encouraging you to start one – WordPress, Blogspot, Tumblr, whatever platform you choose will work just fine. You have my full support!

Throughout the year, a couple of friends have approached me about my blog and inquiring whether or not they should start one themselves. The barrier that they typically run into is, “What if I run out of things to say?” Well, my response to that question is this – wait until you run out of things to say before you start doubting yourself. Sometimes you’ll start typing sentences before you even formulate them in your head and it works! You just need to give yourself a chance and have a little faith. I have faith in you that you will last longer than the average of 23 days. If it makes you feel more comfortable, have a trial period before telling anyone. Create your blog account and write for about two weeks. If after those two weeks, you realize it isn’t for you, then you can let it go. If after two weeks, you decide you want to continue, then feel free to share your blog with people so that they know that you are committed.

When writing a blog, it usually helps to have a central theme. Ask yourself who your audience is. Is this for your friends and family or are you trying to reach out to a wider audience beyond those close to you? Some of the most successful blogs that I have as my favorites are ones that are projects like 100 Interviews and Post Secret. Then there are some blogs that you follow because of your interests – fashion, food, weddings, home decor, architecture. I am convinced that there is a blog for everyone.

Why is now the time to have a blog? Starting off a blog – or any project for that matter on the first day of the new year helps keep you on track. If you incorporate it into your routine right off the bat, you are less likely to see it as a chore because there is some consistency. I was able to keep up with Yow Yow! for an entire year, which was as long as it was supposed to be for, but it has lasted nearly three years!

Lastly here are my tips:

  • Blogging is a time commitment. It’s not as easy as it looks, but if you are willing to invest your time into it, your blog could become great.
  • Find your voice. Don’t be afraid to hold back on some things, but know when to have your limits because your writing will always be out there once it is published.
  • Have fun with it! The best blogs are the ones written by people who don’t take themselves too seriously.

I hope that helps! For more inspiration, check out this WordPress post I found today on blog projects dedicated to Project 365 – posting every day for an entire year. For me, I think the best part about having a blog is being able to have something to look back on. Sidenote: I’ve actually done the Project 365 in photographs before documenting my senior year of high school slash freshman year of college and it was probably one of the best projects I’ve ever done!

28 Dec 2011

Take Chances Poster

Don’t have a New Year’s resolution yet? Make this ENTIRE poster your New Year’s resolution. I’m sure you’ve heard all of these statements before, but if you’ve been looking for some sort of a sign to “Take a Chance,” this might be it. My favorite one is “Date someone totally wrong for you.” That’s just terrible advice, and could also end horribly. The only upside to following that is hopefully a good story to tell someone else.


28 Dec 2011

Senioritus Is…

I came to a very upsetting conclusion today. This is the last winter break I will ever have. As soon as winter quarter starts, I will no longer have weeks to just sit around and catch up on my television series or re-watch 74 episodes of Greek like I’ve been doing.

This conclusion actually came 15 minutes ago because I was consumed all day today planning for what I will be doing after I graduate that I couldn’t even get to news. I am, in fact, getting old. Right. Now. Recognizing this is not a great feeling and…school starts on Monday.

26 Dec 2011


photo cred | Matt Cardy

Readers, THIS is where your Christmas presents came from. It’s not as attractive as the North Pole sounds, but it is still a wonder.

For more pictures inside the warehouse, click here.

26 Dec 2011

Pokemon & Fashion

I’m not exactly sure where someone had the idea to combine Pokemon with fashion editorials, but the person who created the Tumblr is kind of a creative genius. It makes sense when you think of it logically.

Fashion editorials can sometimes be a little silly.

Pokemon characters are a reminder of my silly childhood collection.

Together, the two add up to one quirky image that you might even wish existed in real life.

Check out the Tumblr here.

26 Dec 2011

A Non-Trad Christmas

Hello readers!

I hope that all of you had a wonderful and merry holiday with your family and friends!

This year’s celebration was a little out of the ordinary than the usual. For one, thousands of Seattle light customers lost power today due to the extreme winds. Also, Kevin and I finished the last bit of our shopping yesterday on Christmas Eve at Best Buy. Saving the shopping for the last day? That never happens to me. And I guess it didn’t…because it happened to Kevin.

Are you ready for the biggest shocker though?

I watched the Seahawks game on the Best Buy televisions with a crowd of fans. Oh yes, I finally know a thing or two about football after 21 years and getting schooled in it by my brother and cousin. It was a disappointing loss, but a memorable experience – at least for me.

And last but not least, Christmas Eve dinner? Papa John’s Pizza!

It has been a great Christmas! And I cannot wait to see what 2012 has in store for me, but for now I’m going to enjoy my last few days of 2011.