09 Mar 2012

Making a Difference at Seattle University

Congratulations Seattle University!

My college just made it on Huffington Post’ list of Making a Difference Colleges and I couldn’t be more proud. I’ve never actually described Seattle University to anyone before as a college where you can make a difference at, but it is completely true.  In fact, that’s probably what I’ll tell everyone now who asks. I write about this all the time in posts and as you’ve seen in guest posts, I go to school with some amazing people. I would not have been able to achieve everything that I have done here had I gone to another college and I was very close to doing that. My previous dream school catered to over 40,000 undergraduates. There, I would have been just another wandering student, but that’s just not the case at Seattle University so I am very grateful to be a part of this community.

Congrats SU!