05 Aug 2012

The Endless List of Degrassi Issues Covered

[The greatest girls of Degrassi TYFYT]

As we all know, Degrassi can sometimes be just a little over the top with their dramatic episodes. Can we expect anything less with a tagline that is, “It Goes There?” No, we can’t. And even with all of its ridiculousness, we still manage to be hooked. I’ve been watching for years and still can’t get enough of the series. One fan recently decided to take it upon themselves to write out every single issue that has been covered in the series. Yikes. I can’t imagine how long that must have taken, but I’ve seen the list – and it’s on point! These kids have gone through a slew of issues and problems and that makes me appreciate my teenage years so much more. Check out the full list here.


  1. I must lead a culturally sheltered life. I have no idea who or what you are talking about, I can’t comment

    Posted on 8.5.12 ·

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