18 Aug 2012

Another Saturday…

Happy Saturday y’all!

It is a very happy Saturday for me, indeed! Today, I began the first day of my two weeks of vacation and for those of you that know me, you would know that this is a pretty huge deal. It’s been a very long time since I’ve taken a break. Last summer, I worked two jobs almost every weekday and this summer I started my job the Monday after I graduated from college. There wasn’t much of a celebration, unfortunately, but now I’m making up for loss time.

Today, I spent a very relaxing day indoor utilizing my OnDemand and treating myself to some Thai take out from one of my favorite places. I even splurged on getting two different plates for myself. The leftovers for this will be endless and while I’m sure that I could have been satisfied with just one dish, that wasn’t really the point now was it? It was that I needed to just enjoy the meal that I was having.

So that’s what I’d like to be doing for the next two weeks. I don’t have anything planned yet  and today was kind of my throw away day, but I want to be doing something everyday so that I’m not spending every day of my vacation indoors and eating. That’s not going to get me anywhere at age 22!
