03 Dec 2012

500 Days of Summer Tour



I think I have found my next vacation!

Before I even watched 500 Days of Summer, I knew I was going to love the movie. It wasn’t because Zooey was the manic indie pixie dream girl I always aspired to be or the fact that Joseph Gordon-Levitt has the nicest looking face in the world. I’m really no different than the person next to me. I just love love, k? Is there something wrong with that? Not at all. So to put it simply, I knew I was going to like this movie because I was Joseph Gordon Levitt. I believe in “the right person” for everyone and when he questioned Zooey’s wishy-washy ways I was right there with him. Why couldn’t the girl make up her mind? Everyone has one of those in their lives…

500 Days of Summer will always be one of my favorite movies. If not for the story line, the cinematography or even the soundtrack. Another reason would have to just be the sights. That’s why when I stumbled upon a site today that highlighted every single location the film was shot at, I knew that this was the next step I needed to take.

The 500 Days of Summer tour (that I just turned into a tour) can be looked into further here.