12 Feb 2013

Valentine’s Day Is More Than A Commercial Holiday


Though I’ve never celebrated a Valentine’s Day myself, I realize that there is much more meaning to the day than gifts, candies, and flowers. If it were up to me, Valentine’s Day would be everyday because I believe in celebrating love at all times possible. There is so much emphasis on this one day and not enough on any other day because too quickly we often times take love for granted. We don’t say the word out of fear. Maybe we fear rejection, but it’s also pretty daunting to just say it out loud or to another person. Once you say it you can never take it back, but sometimes you might be surprised by the response you hear back.

If these couple of weeks have taught me anything it is that the strength in the people I have in my life has built me up so that I could be strong again for the people that care about me and will always always be there. Every now and then, I believe in promoting selfishness as long as it’s healthy. I’ve had enough of that and now it is time for me to be whole-heartedly selfless and to give strength to those who need it most from me.

If I could advise you all on anything or if you could take something away from this blog at all it would be to not wait until Valentine’s Day to tell someone you love them. We shouldn’t be waiting another second to say the things that matter most.

My prayers and thoughts are with a very special family today.