04 Apr 2013

{Follow Up} With Veronica Lim

Readers, I am so excited to be sharing the news with you that we will be catching up with all of our former guest post contributors! I first announced this back in January, but now it’s finally happening! This installment on Yow Yow! was well-received by all of you, our friends, family, and community. It’s been over a year since we’ve last heard from our contributors so I thought it would be great if we could check in with them and see what’s going on in their lives, how their views have changed, and how they have essentially grown up. First up is my dearest friend Veronica Lim. For a refresher, check out her first post here and her follow-up below. 

Katie sent me a follow-up guest post email nearly two months ago. Now I can’t say I’ve been too busy to respond or that I couldn’t muster up the right words to answer the questions she laid out. Rather, it passed me by as much as I let it. I mean that in the sense that I didn’t want to sit down and reflect on how I’ve changed or may not have changed. I wanted to pretend as if I didn’t need to because if I post-poned it then maybe it hasn’t quite happened. But the reality of the situation is that I wrote a guest post for Katie over a year ago and much has changed with the world since then. And I’ve changed whether or not I meant to.

These days I don’t press snooze 12 times before waking up. I became a little bit of an adult by waking up every morning and getting ready for work. With coffee in hand, I catch the bus, find my way to Lower Queen Anne, and spend 8 hours thinking about work lyfe before commuting back home. Perhaps this sounds monotonous and dreadful. The kicker is – I absolutely love the experience life outside of Seattle University provides. These days life is wrapped up in a place called Marx Foods, my apartment, family, and the friends that I’ve been fortunate to keep post college.

I have no mantra that I can base my life on as I thought in college. I live for the adventure, following my heart, and so forth as I did before but these days I try to figure things out along the way rather than plan extensively. Instead of continuing to bore you with how I believe life is different between college and post-college, I’ll describe the difference in images:
Now I can’t generalize everything. Having spent 19 years as a student similarly to millions of others, it comes as a shock to no longer be one and to flounder for months as a result. Perhaps post undergrad life for me isn’t the ideal for everyone else. But this “semi yo-pro, still a kid, finding a way to make it to the next chapter” path is some form of success in my world. I guess if I were to make a statement on how I’ve changed since the last guest post, it’s that last year I was preaching advice and a scheme for optimism, whereas this year I admit to not having enough knowledge to give advice but knowing that that’s okay. So there you have it — guest post part deux. Thanks for reading, ya’ll.
Posted on April 4, in People


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