23 Jul 2013

Kris Jenner Just Wants A Good Review

When you’re a blogger or a writer, you pretty much accept that no one is ever going to agree with you. Someone – somewhere – is always going to have an opinion about what you’re writing, but blah blah blah life goes on and you can’t be too bothered with it. The same goes for celebrities and public figures. In fact, they may have it worse than us by being scrutinized by everyone for every little thing that they do. It’s no secret that Kris Jenner’s new talk show isn’t hitting the high marks and when she didn’t receive the reviews she wanted, she decided to bribe one writer with a pen from Tiffany and a passive aggressive note.

Not wanting to keep this from her followers, the writer – Linda Stasi tweeted:

‘Does this bribe make me look fat? Kris Jenner just sent me a Tiffany pen with which to write her a better review next time! Shockingly wrong!’

‘She has as much right having a talk show as her dopey daughter [Khloe Kardashian] with no talent had being a host of the X Factor,’ the critic said in the video

