25 Oct 2014

Google Inbox


I’m always looking for new ways to better manage and prioritize all of my various inboxes – for my personal, blog, and work email accounts. Even when I feel like I’ve got it down, I know that there’s always something that I can be doing better. Learning how to tackle email in college was never as hard as it is now. It’s something that I wish my professors would have taught me back then! When Inbox was released earlier this week, I hadn’t learned that much about it, but quickly saw it fill up in my Quora feed and was immediately intrigued by it. I saw an opportunity to snag an invite from a former intern that worked with us and jumped at the chance. I downloaded it, but am still trying to find my way around it and am wondering if I will use it more often from my mobile now than on the web. Also, I thought I would be receiving a few invites to give out as well, but my app is missing the golden ticket!

Does anyone have any tips on how I’ll be able to have my own invites, too? I think it’s also a matter of time before Google makes the app available to everyone too so maybe having the ticket won’t be necessary.

Posted on October 25, in Design