27 Jan 2015

The Money We’ll Never Have

Oh geez, we’re only one month into the year, but already all I’ve been thinking about is money. I’m thinking about my friends who are buying places, a 401K (which FYI I hate thinking about. Logging into Fidelity is death.) My co-workers who are light years ahead of me in investing and whether or not I’m going to continue renting next year. It is too early for me to be thinking about these types of decisions. Well, it is in my opinion anyway. I don’t think I’d even know where to start, even though my friends keep telling me that the best place to start would be to invest my money into something like these eToro Aktien (eToro Shares), and how trading can help to make me some extra money along the way. I have heard a lot about investing and how it can change the financial situation of so many people, but I’ve always been skeptical. But that is the risk you’d have to be willing to take if you want to increase your finances. So many people are telling me different things. Some people I know have had some success investing in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin by using Bitcoin Trader Erfahrungen and the various online platforms and marketplaces that allow people to organize their digital finances in an intuitive way. I even have family members trying to decide if they should get an American Express blue cash card and parents at my kid’s school talking about opening savings accounts for their children. These days, the thought of money is just running my life, but isn’t it for everyone? My friend Toby told me over the holidays that if there’s one advice she could give me it would be to save. Save now. But unless I’m doing it automatically, it’s difficult for me to know the best way to do that.

Can saving be eating out just once a day on the weekends? Skipping my morning coffee? Spending less on my credit card every month? There’s really no right or wrong answer. I think every 20-year old I know is just trying to figure it out on their own. I stumbled upon this infographic today about what someone has to earn in every state in order to be in the top 1%. Well, it’s just the 1% so the best thing about this infographic is knowing you’re not alone!


Posted on January 27, in Life