11 Feb 2015

Valentine’s Day: Not Just For the s/o’s

While Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays, it’s definitely not a holiday that I have had an opportunity to celebrate as often as I would like. In college, I used to be around friends that hated the holiday because they were never in relationships. I probably had similar sentiments at the time, but oh my gosh, it broke my heart to not celebrate it because it’s such a fun holiday and if I’m being really honest here – I don’t think it has to be a holiday that you have to be in a relationship for to celebrate. So with that said, I’m planning a pretty elaborate date for my dearest friend this Saturday and I am pretty excited about it. I don’t think he reads my blog, but I don’t want to spoil anything just in case.

I’ve always been the “date planner” in most situations and I think relationship dates and friend dates are pretty similar so why not treat them all the same?

Readers, what are your Valentine’s Day plans and have you ever planned a friend date for someone special in your life?