12 Jan 2016

Looking Back: Space Girl

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If you’ve been following my Instagram and Yow Yow! lately then you may have noticed that we’ve been doing a lot of posts on what I’ve been wearing. We did this back in 2011-2012 also, but back then things looked a little bit different. I remember when I expressed to Veronica back then that I wanted to showcase some of my outfits on Yow Yow! but I didn’t know where to start. You know how in photographs, people are always like “what do I do with my hands?!” well I was always like, “what do I do with my face?!” I couldn’t pull off that sultry blogger pout and I hated having to try and force a laugh every time to get the right shot. Honestly, I was awkward and it feels funny to admit this now five years later, but I was pretty insecure about this.

Where I was working back then, we had a Space Helmet (the one pictured above) and Veronica and I kind of came up with this idea that we would create an alter ego for myself. Space Girl was born. You wouldn’t think that it would make such a difference to put this helmet on and shoot a photo, but it did. In the helmet, I wasn’t worried about what my face looked like and actually Space Girl got a little wild sometimes. We definitely had way more fun with this helmet than we thought we would. Looking back on it now, the idea seems really silly, but it helped me overcome something that I’m much more comfortable with today. So to celebrate our 7th birthday, we wanted to take a look back on some of Space Girl’s greatest looks shot on campus at Seattle University and some of the worst Photoshop editing jobs I’ve ever done. Thank you to all my friends in college who let me entertain this idea for a year.

If you’re wondering whatever happened to the helmet… we had to leave it behind as it officially belonged to Seattle University. However, Kevin knew that Space Girl was such a huge part of Yow Yow! and me too so he bought it for me on Amazon after I graduated. It now has a place in my home sitting in my living room. 🙂


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And who could forget the time Veronica and I made this gem…

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/64044836]

Posted on January 12, in Style