22 Jan 2019

Speed Dating 20 Girls

You guys, I consumed a ton of videos over the weekend, but this was my favorite. Before 2016, my idea of speed dating was exactly like that one scene in “Hitch” except that film made it so much cooler. Spoiler alert – I have tried speed dating before and it was awful! Either speed dating isn’t for me or I’m a bad dater. It’s unclear. Whatever the case, there’s no way to remove the awkwardness from it.

A few years ago, there was a startup that my friends and I all talked about – Grouper. You (the single) bring along two girlfriends to meet with three other singles of the opposite gender. It’s sort of like speed dating, but with less numbers and in a more controlled environment. This video reminds me of this and something like The Bachelor franchise.

What I don’t like about this video is how focused it is on technology and using cell phones. Think about how awkward it is for “Jon” to just be sitting in the middle in front of everyone, but not actually conversing with them while he has the chance. What I like about this video though is that he’s asking the hard hitting questions. Sure, his interests vary from mine, but it’s what is important to him and it’s actually weeding these women out. He can visually see who is leaving the circle because of his questions rather than say, being ghosted? Imagine how efficient dating could be if everyone got their pool of people like this.