09 Aug 2019

Summer’s End (Almost!)

We’ve been absent from Yow Yow! for the last couple of weeks, but for the best reason. Every year, I always head back to Seattle for a week and this year we opted for something different. Instead, I chose to try two weekend trips back-to-back! It was ambitious and I just left recovery mode this week, but it was much needed. The downside to these trips is that even though you’ve still got mostly a full work week in between, you still find yourself falling behind in work.

I couldn’t imagine a summer without any kind of vacation though. I’ve read that it’s actually healthy to take at least one vacation per quarter though my friends are all over the map with that. Many of them are traveling every other weekend for fun while others are traveling for work and planning their vacations in between. I’m convinced it’s not something that I’ll ever master, but I’m learning! My two weekend vacation could not have been more opposite from each other. First, we kicked things off in New York where I visited by two best friends and survived the hot and humid summer. Then I came back to a shortened work week and spent 48 hours in Vegas with 30 of my coworkers.

I couldn’t wait to get out of the office today to just come home and decompress. We all know that I always get a little home sick while I’m away too so a weekend (sort of!) in is much needed. For those of you that are here in the city this weekend, I hope you all have a blast at Outside Lands! Initially, I wanted to be there too, but your girl needs a break.

Posted on August 9, in Life