09 Apr 2020

Here’s Why Tori Spelling Continues to Be Problematic

At the end of shelter-in-place, I plan on writing a post about what this entire experience has taught me. The biggest eye opener has been how people have reacted to the pandemic. I think there’s several ways that this can go, but some will put others before themselves while others will put themselves first before anyone else. This notion of not being able to recognize one’s entitlement is something that we all witness often.

In times like these, celebrities can’t work from home. To bridge this gap, Tori Spelling thought it would be a great idea to host virtual meet-and-greets with her fans. The caveat? At a cost of $95 per entry. Tori may not be working at the moment, but I would hardly put her in the category of struggling like many others who are at minimum wage, laid off, or out of work because of shelter-in-place. Naturally, this has caused some backlash and her husband Dean came to her defense.

All the studios, everything is shut down. She has no way to work like everybody else. She has no job to go to. So, why can she not work from home and do a live meet and greet with fans and give them some light and love and have some fun?”

Tori’s career is not like everyone else’s currently being impacted by COVID-19. By no means, will she struggle and the right thing to do here would actually be to give back. Many of you know we’ve been watching Ben Gibbard’s weekly streams and he expresses the same. In a recent Rolling Stone interview, he comments, “But I do think that people who are in situations like mine have a moral obligation to help out.” Without obviously stating, he recognizes how well off he is and that giving back is the move instead taking from others. Why this isn’t clear to everyone else in this position at the moment still doesn’t make sense to me. I can only hope that everyone else will get there at some point.
