13 Jun 2020

Procter & Gamble’s “The Look”


In the last couple of weeks, I’ve been taking note of the way brands and companies take a stance on the racial injustices occurring in our country. There are many ways to do this and I’m almost overwhelmed by the different approaches. Some pledge to donate. Others are sharing their commitments to what they will improve on whether it’s in their business or even with hiring. Not all of these are welcomed though. In these pledges, former and current employees will comment on hypocrisies and slam them for their behavior in the past. In this fight, no one can really win here and that’s something that I’ve been observing throughout.

I haven’t seen many ads like this one from Procter & Gamble come up yet and I assume that we’re not far off from that. I did, however, enjoy this one as I think these types of micro aggressions occur so frequently every day. The individual partaking in the micro aggression believes they’re being discreet, but to the individual on the receiving end, it’s obvious. They’re often behaviors that aren’t verbal, but ultimately are racist and hurtful. This is more relevant today, but I wish something like this didn’t have to be made to serve as a constant daily reminder.

Posted on June 13, in Life