06 Jul 2020

We’re A “Claudia”

Maybe we’re a bit old to be watching Netflix’s revival of “The Baby-Sitters Club,” but we’re here for one reason and one reason only. Her name is Claudia Kishi. Growing up, the Baby-Sitter’s Club was my childhood. I couldn’t wait to be their age and to have a group of best friends to call my own. I don’t know how we would define these stages, but the first is that you acknowledge what it is that you want. Then you ask yourself, is it obtainable? Do you see yourself? That’s why representation is so important. There were so few Asian characters I could look up to growing up, but I was happy to consider Claudia Kishi ours.

Now, we all know that this goes beyond looks and that Claudia’s personality is one that shines. However, the “looks” part of it, as simple as it may be, is honestly what we notice first. Claudia goes against the grain in many ways, but through and through she’s authentically herself. She wasn’t an unbelievable character. She was a young girl who loved fashion and was an aspiring artist. Though her parents were tough on her, they supported her.

It has been many years since I read the series, but it didn’t take long for me to remember why I loved it. Netflix’s rendition has a refreshing perspective – one that includes more diversity than the series ever provided before. There’s even a brief storyline of a child identifying as transgender and it wasn’t in an obvious, over the top way. It was done tastefully. Obviously, I’m excited about the series, but more importantly, I hope it leaves a lasting impression for young girls who will come to know and love this show the way I did growing up.