24 Sep 2020

BTS: NPR’s Tiny Desk

I’ve been itching to share this since it came out, but just haven’t had the time. My comments still stand: BTS is amazing when it comes to promoting their new music. Everything that has transpired since the release of “Dynamite” is above and beyond anything I could have ever imagined. The range and diversity in the type of content they release as well as how every single performance is different from each other is what makes this promotion so exciting.

I must have watched this Tiny Desk performance over 10 times now. While I haven’t missed a “Dynamite” performance yet, this one hits a bit different. Look at how much fun they’re having as a group together! See how much their vocals are able to shine when they have a live band behind them in this intimate environment? While their performances are incredible, this one brings their vocals to the forefront.

Posted on September 24, in Music