28 Nov 2020

Saturday Check In

I think we can agree that celebrating holidays in 2020 are out of the ordinary this year. In all the years that I have lived in the Bay Area, I never once considered decorating at my home let alone purchasing any kind of Christmas tree – real or fake. For years, I was the one accompanying Mandi and Eric to various Christmas tree farms around the Bay Area to pick out theirs. Each time, they offered to assist me in chopping it down (if I changed my mind) and each time I politely declined.

However, this year is different. In prior years, it wasn’t necessary to spend the time or money decorating because I wasn’t here for the holidays. My parents had their own tree that I grew up with. It didn’t matter if I had my own in San Francisco because my tree was back in Seattle. As a holiday, I like Christmas. I’m not obsessed with it the way some people I know are. Having just passed Thanksgiving, I realized I might be having a change of heart. In 2020, every day is the same. Our landmarks to show us how time passes are these holidays. Sometimes, it’s all we feel that we have. Unlike me, Kevin succumbed to a mini Christmas tree already!

It was present for our Thanksgiving, less than three feet tall and adorned with lights. Looking at it brought me a renewed sense of joy that I didn’t think I needed. When the power cut out and we had to arrange what could stay “plugged in” or not, I found myself saying, “the Christmas tree needs to stay!” And on Small Business Saturday, I found myself at the local gift shop purchasing two new ornaments which I plan to hang on Kevin’s mini Christmas tree. The debate is open on whether or not I still purchase my own, but in any case, it’s clear that we are celebrating here this year.

Posted on November 28, in Life