28 Nov 2020

Small Business Saturday

Though today happens to be the day we dedicate to showing our appreciation for small businesses, showing our support for them can happen any day. Our country’s fast-growing economy would not have been possible without the involvement of small and independent businesses. Hence, we need to be supportive and by supporting them, we can also be respectful of the fact that entrepreneurs face enormous challenges and risks while starting a business venture.

Indeed, starting a business can require huge funding depending on its scale and size, however, businesses do not need to break the bank in order to start. They can simply start slow and focus on expanding their marketing efforts. Either they can hire in-house professionals or reach out to professional experts who can guide to ensure good governance and provide reliable business solutions. Also thankfully, there are banks that can provide business loans to the needy. People interested in starting a venture can, fortunately, approach a bank to procure the loan amount they need. The prior step may require them some research to find the best banks for small business in Jacksonville, Florida, or New York (based on wherever they are placed) which can give them a loan at an affordable interest rate. After they have the loan amount, they can get their business up and running.

When there are so many risks involved, we should show some support too. We can do that by simply buying their products. Instead of going for imported, high-end products, we should purchase the locally-produced ones, in order to help these businesses thrive.

As we inch closer to the holidays, it’s important to consider shopping locally first. The pandemic has impacted everyone in one way or another. Our local restaurants and smaller shops have taken some of the hardest hits during this time. If you’re considering buying Barack Obama’s latest memoir, have you considered an independent bookshop near your house? One of my favorite neighborhood shops, [Rare Device,] is always my go-to spot for any type of greeting card, candles, and this year, ornaments.

I have no problem boasting about Rare Device because they have an online shop too! However, I know that there are so many other businesses that could use more exposure and attention. Even though we’re coming to a close on Small Business Saturday, I’ll continue posting my favorites to Instagram as time goes on and I hope you’ll consider your favorites as you begin holiday shopping.

Posted on November 28, in Life