All posts in: 22 Jump Street

15 Jun 2014

The Week: 5 Things

There was one more notable thing that happened during the week that I felt should be included in this post. Earlier this week, our interns and employees went on a short train ride over to Menlo Park for Off the Grid! I’ve only ever been to the one in Haight with my friend Sam a few years back so I was excited to try a different location. The first truck I made a beeline for was The Chairman, which I remembered from the last time I was at Off the Grid. The Pork Belly Bao is the most delicious bite (or more than a few bites for me!) After this, I went on to have a warm Empanada. The best thing about Off the Grid is that there is always so much variety and so many different things to try. I’m looking forward to my next trip there or even … the Fort Mason off the grid with 30+ vendors!

This movie.

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By Friday, things start to get a little wacky.

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Oyster shucking in the office! We shipped 100 oysters over from Boston – some of the best oysters I’ve ever had.

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Three juices purchased for three meal substitutions this week! The third one was my dinner tonight. We survived. By we I mean me and my stomach. We’ll make a separate post for this later once I’ve finished.

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And a bonus 6th photo of some grumpy diners at Pizzeria Delfina.

15 Jun 2014

Ice Cube Says Nice Things Angrily


Did anyone catch 22 Jump Street this weekend? I watched it last night and absolutely loved it. Ice Cube was too good.

16 Dec 2013

22 Jump Street


All this week, I have been trying to tell Henry how much I have been wanting to re-watch the first 21 Jump Street. Honestly, it is an underrated movie and deserves a little bit more love. The trailer for the sequel came out today and I can’t wait. Jonah and Channing – have you ever seen a better crime fighting pair?