All posts in: Bad Timing

31 May 2009

Turn It Down

Last night, I stood in front of THE Kenny Choi of Daphne Loves Derby hahah my crush as a fifteen year old was standing right in front of me [singing to me.] hilaricakes. He has aged well… uh within four years.

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28 May 2009

Turn It Down Concert

So I know a lot of people aren’t out of school yet and/or people will be staying at school this weekend but this show is going to be amazing! We’ve all been to at least one concert, (or performed,) and they’re a lot of fun, your whole body feels like it’s vibrating and the ground is shaking but do you even realize how much damage it does to your hearing?

The Evergreen Speech and Hearing Clinic will be sponsoring this show THIS SATURDAY MAY 30th. Doors are opening at 7:30 and the ticket will cost $8. Daphne Loves Derby is the headlining band and these guys have grown so much over their musical careers and are well known to the Seattle area. They were one of the first bands I even started listening to in the scene. And of course, this is biased, but Bad Timing, I always have love for you in my heart!

For more information click to visit Everhear or read my review of last year’s concert here

To check out the bands: Daphne Loves Derby

Bad Timing