All posts in: Bellevue Zip Tours

15 Apr 2014

Ziplining Comes to Bellevue

photo cred | Seattle Times

Most people like to believe that ziplining is something that you can only do in Costa Rica or some other exotic location. Bellevue, WA is squashing that rumor and even moreso because Bellevue in itself is not an exotic location at all. As of last weekend, Bellevue Zip Tours is now open to the public in Eastgate Park.

The area in which this course is located is actually quite beautiful. I’m pretty sure that I’ve done several ropes courses in this area throughout my college years so it wasn’t that much of a surprise to me that they set up the tours here. In fact, I think it’s a great idea and an activity that will see a lot of action especially during the summer. In June, Bellevue Zip Tours will only be available on weekends, but starting July – they will be open every day for business.

Tours are approximately 2.5 hours (depending on how big of a group you go with), and $69 per adult, $44 for kids. While the riding age minimum is 9, riders under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

To learn more, click here.