All posts in: Castabel Porto

23 Apr 2017

Beauty for Breakfast Pt. 30

Right time. Right place. This was a product that fell into my lap when I needed it the most. As part of the package in which Ashley had asked me to be one of her bridesmaids, she included this berry smelling hand lotion from Castabel Porto. This brand was new to me, but we’re a sucker for berry anything. Since I moved to the Bay Area, my hands often started feeling more dry around the late fall / winter season so after trying this out one morning, I started making this a part of my routine. After doing my makeup, before heading out the door to work, I would squeeze a little bit of this onto my hands and jet off. The berry scent is delicious and so good you’ll become obsessed with it. Also, how cute is the geometric packaging?! If I know Ashley, then it’s likely this came from Nordstrom, but otherwise I’m not sure where I’ll be getting my refill down the line!