All posts in: Codor Design

09 May 2015

Five Favorite Pins:

When I first moved into my place, I was completely set on building myself a little frame wall. After all, I had saved up these pins on Pinterest just waiting to do this and putting my ideas to work. When I lived in my studio, I had experimented with all sorts of decorating ideas. My first year, I was really into paper. I had put up a quote that I had seen once and cut the letters out of paper and taped them straight onto the wall. Straight elementary school. I think friends of mine thought it was a little bit weird, but I was completely excited about it because I had never decorated my own place or room before! The second year, I cut out a bunch of black cardstock that I was going to use as frames for photos, but then thought – let me see if I can do this alternatively and instead hung string over them and used clothes pins to hang photos over the cardstock. See what I did there? I had doublesided taped those cardstock pieces to my wall and when I moved out and took them down they ripped the paint off. Happy to say that I’ve upgraded now and am hopefully smarter at decorating! I’m working on adding to my frame wall tomorrow after my trip to West Elm so this post comes at a good time. Yes, I’ll be nailing things into the wall and I’m terrified, but here are some other ideas that I’m considering in the future if this current idea just doesn’t work out.

1. Shelving [Enter the Loft]

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